How is your e-commerce doing?
Health check for e-commerce
With a combined ecommerce experience adding up to over a thousand years, and more than a hundred customers, we have seen it all. The most common mistakes, and the best ways to increase conversion, traffic and successful concepts. With the right information, we can identify bottlenecks and recommend the right way forward, in order to realize your ambitions for your ecommerce revenue.

What is a Health check for e-commerce?
During a health check, we perform a 360-degree analysis of your existing e-commerce. We gather and analyze information, we conclude and recommend changes that we think will make your e-commerce an even more profitable sales channel.
Further down on this page you see a list of example activities included in an e-commerce health check.
A health control report and a presentation. A priority list with possible alternatives, both quick fixes and long-term activities that will help drive your digital sales.
Access to a customer account in a demo environment, access to Google Analytics (or another analytics tool that you are using), access to the ecommerce responsible and other members of staff, who can answer questions about your operations.
Time frame
Approx. 2-3 weeks.
Contact us to learn more
We help our customers become successful in e-commerce by being a true partner. We help customers with everything from creating a sustainable and executable strategy for digital channels to the maintenance of successful technical sales solutions.
Heuristic site analytics
When working with your company's ecommerce every day, it is inevitable that you don't see what others see, since you are too used to it. We can help by looking at your ecommerce with a fresh pair of eyes and evaluate it from a customer's perspective. What unnecessary hurdles comes in the customer’s way during a purchase? What is perceived as confusing? Are there other and smoother ways for the customer to make a transaction? What possibilities are available today, to increase conversion and average order value, that you are missing?
KPI analysis and benchmarking
We analyze the methods you use for measuring the success of your ecommerce. We can evaluate results and maybe challenge the goals you have set. We help you define, and separate between Product and impact goals, Primary and secondary objectives, Leading and lagging KPI's. With these in place, together with an effect mapping of your ecommerce, we can create a robust KPI based strategy.
Load time analysis
Speed drives conversion. Load times can be measured in technical terms, but perceived load times is really all that matters. In addition to a technical analysis we do a side-by-side-comparison with your ecommerce web site and other high-performance ecommerce sites, and give you concrete suggestions for improvements.
UX evaluation
We analyze responsiveness, readability, accessibility, design alignment, tone of voice, call-to-action priorities, design coherence on the site and design coherence with the brand. We also look at other, sometimes quite subjective, challenges related to user experience within ecommerce.
Google Analytics setup
Google Analytics, including Enhanced Ecommerce can be set up in many different ways, but the setup is rarely 100% correct. If we measure incorrectly, or with too little data, we are close to blind when managing an ecommerce channel. Our Analytics experts take a look at the setup and suggest improvements.
SEO analysis
What obvious gaps, if any, are there in the search engine optimization on your site? What does the technical setup look like? Are hygiene factors like meta descriptions and canonical links in place? Has content been optimized for your customers' most common search phrases? What search phrases do your competitors use for optimization? How is your ranking on these phrases?
Roles & processes
Who does what in your organization to optimize your customer’s buying process? How are roles set up and who reports to who? Are roles & responsibilities clear to everyone? How have other ecommerce companies set up their organization for efficient internal processes?
Customer service quality
With your company's consent, we contact your customer service and ask them ecommerce related questions. We contact them in all available channels and thereafter give you a compiled assessment of response times and perceived experience of the interaction.
Functional benchmarking
Why reinvent the wheel? We can take a look at how competitors and companies in other industries act online and what can be applied to your business. We can also borrow compatible ideas from companies in other industries. We dare to guarantee that there is content and functionality out there that can be a real boost for your company's online sales.
User surveys
We can help you ask some of your visitors ecommerce related questions, e.g. about the purpose of their visit, if they got what they wanted from their visit, what they liked most and least, and what they would like to change on the site. We can also ask respondents to submit their email addresses so we can use them as reference group in matters related to design and functionality for future releases
Technical errors
We can crawl your ecommerce site as a customer in order to find technical errors, dead internal and external links, redirect loops, heavy images, certificate errors, compatibility errors, javascript errors, etc.