White paper:

The Fundamentals of launching a Marketplace

What can a new marketplace launch bring to your existing business model, and when is it relevant to start your own marketplace? This white paper helps you understand these questions and gives you some hands on tips on how to get started towards a new platform for business.

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Access the white paper to discover the fundamentals of launching a marketplace, and how to determine when to start your won marketplace.


The idea of the traditional marketplace is certainly not new. Even digital marketplaces have been around for 15-20 years already. Whether online or offline, the basic concept is still the same. To bring together supply and demand in a way that delivers value to both sides.

While the digital marketplace model was initially adopted by just a few huge players, it has slowly entered the mainstream with companies in both consumer and business markets. You don’t have to be a multimillion-dollar company to launch an online marketplace of your own. Any business can now benefit from the scalability and the powerful network effect of the marketplace model.

In this white paper, we discuss the fundamentals of launching a new marketplace for your business.

Download this white paper to better understand:

  • What a marketplace can bring to your existing business model
  • When it is relevant to launch your own marketplace
  • How to get started towards a new platform business model 

Get the white paper

Access the white paper to discover the fundamentals of launching a marketplace, and how to determine when to start your won marketplace.