White paper:

How to Develop a Killer E-Commerce RFP

Even in e-commerce, organizations that fail to conduct a thorough and well thought out RFP process can suffer the consequences for a long time thereafter. In this white paper you’ll learn the most critical steps to create a killer RFP for your next e-commerce project.

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Download the white paper to learn the most critical steps to create a killer RFP for your next e-commerce project.


The Request for Proposal (RFP) process for a new e-commerce platform can easily require 1,000 hours and can take months to complete. “Wow!” you might be thinking, “that’s a lot of time and energy.” And it is, but it’s necessary because the stakes are high. Doing your homework properly when you’re already at the RFP stage may seem daunting, but it’s definitely worth it.

Proper planning for the RFP should focus on two areas:

  • Externally, to ensure a thorough understanding of your end customer.
  • Internally, to ensure a clear view of your organization and how various stakeholders will work within and around the new e-commerce framework.

Download the white paper to get better and more relevant responses to your RFP.

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Download the white paper to learn the most critical steps to create a killer RFP for your next e-commerce project.